Diagnostic Category: lint/a11y/noNoninteractiveElementToInteractiveRole
Since: v1.0.0
Enforce that interactive ARIA roles are not assigned to non-interactive HTML elements.
Non-interactive HTML elements indicate content and containers in the user interface.
Non-interactive elements include <main>
, <area>
, <h1>
, etc), <img>
, <li>
, <ul>
and <ol>
Interactive HTML elements indicate controls in the user interface.
Interactive elements include <a href>
, <button>
, <input>
, <select>
, <textarea>
WAI-ARIA roles should not be used to convert a non-interactive element to an interactive element.
Interactive ARIA roles include button
, link
, checkbox
, menuitem
, menuitemcheckbox
, menuitemradio
, option
, radio
, searchbox
, switch
and textbox
Section titled ExamplesInvalid
Section titled Invalid<h1 role="button">Some text</h1>
code-block.jsx:1:5 lint/a11y/noNoninteractiveElementToInteractiveRole FIXABLE ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
✖ The HTML element h1 is non-interactive and should not have an interactive role.
> 1 │ <h1 role=“button”>Some text</h1>
│ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2 │
ℹ Replace h1 with a div or a span.
ℹ Unsafe fix: Remove the role attribute.
1 │ <h1·role=“button”>Some·text</h1>
│ -------------
Section titled Valid<span role="button">Some text</span>
Accessibility guidelines
Section titled Accessibility guidelinesResources
Section titled Resources- WAI-ARIA roles
- WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices Guide - Design Patterns and Widgets
- Fundamental Keyboard Navigation Conventions
- Mozilla Developer Network - ARIA Techniques